Give the Gift of Music

Give the Gift of Music image


raised towards $337,000 goal




Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

We envision a world in which the classical music profession reflects the racial and ethnic diversity of our communities.

With your support there is nothing these student musicians cannot accomplish. Through participation in high-quality, comprehensive classical string training, our students develop the tools they need to succeed not only in their musical aspirations, but also in their lives. Our program teaches fundamental skills including problem solving, collaboration, and critical thinking, and STEP’s dedication to our mission reaches beyond our students, making sure their families are an integral part of the program. For over three decades 100% of Project STEP graduates have gone on to college or conservatory and approximately 60% of students go into the music profession.

"...students who learn to play a musical instrument in elementary and continued playing in high school not only score significantly higher (on exams), but are about one academic year ahead of their non-music peers with regard to their English, mathematics and science skills, as measured by their exam grades, regardless of their socioeconomic background, ethnicity, prior learning in mathematics and English, and gender." - Peter Gouzouasi, Professor, University of British Columbia 2019

Thanks to our partners at The Willow Tree Fund all NEW friends to our program who make their first donation between now and June 30, 2020 double their impact. Your giving just grew! Already a friend and supporter? Share this exciting news with family, friends, and co-workers. Up to $15,000 will be matched by The Willow Tree Fund.

Project STEP EIN: 22-2505816